Different Angle
Description of famous things from a different angle or description of non-obvious, little-known facts.
The earliest version of her was kidnapped by pirates, who brought her to Egypt, where she was sold into slavery. The owner bought the girl elegant gilded leather sandals, one of which was stolen by the falcon and taken to the pharaoh. What is her most famous name?
Answer: Cinderella
A narrative or description in which the search word is replaced with "THIS" or "X". In more complex puzzles, several unknowns can be used.
THEY were early medieval Scandinavian sailors in the 8th-11th centuries, who made sea voyages from Vinland to Biarmia and North Africa. THEY lived in what is now Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Due to overcrowding and hunger, THEY often traveled long distances. How do we call THEM?
Answer: Vikings.
The question about the origin of a word or phrase.
Initially, this word meant bitter water(xocolli"bitterness", ātl"water"), and later, instead of cold and bitter, this drink in Europe turned into hot and sweet by the beginning of the 17th century.
Answer: Chocolate
A question based on a statement from a famous person or character. Do not rely on the knowledge of the quote, the answer should logically follow from the question.
Plato wrote:"You should not blame the child for being afraid of the dark. The real tragedy is when an adult is afraid of _". Fill in the gap.
Answer:(the) Light.
Solution to the Problem
Inventions, interesting ways out of situations can serve as the basis for very interesting questions.
When Agatha Christie had a black streak in her life: her mother died and her husband changed, she decided to radically get rid of awkward questions and consolations. Guess what Agatha Christie did? Then write the name of the document that detectives often find in such cases.
Answer: Will.
The Hint inside the Riddle
The question itself contains a hint that will allow you to find the correct answer based on logic, not knowledge.
At first I am rich then at the very end sadly gets hard. What is my name?
Answer: Richard.
The simplest thing is to take a puzzle on the topic of your quest. The riddle can be folk, old or author's, the main thing is that its publication does not violate copyright.
What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?
Answer: A river.
Answer in question
We write the answer right in the question. It can be a homonym, a part of a word, or even the end of one and the beginning of the next word.
What is the one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between heaven and earth? What is it?
Rebus and ciphers
We will tell you about them in another article.