Share the secrets of the city
through the mobile application
- WHAT IS A QUEST?And how to "quest" a city?
A quest is a game whose ultimate goal is to solve all riddles.
Riddles can be in the form of text questions, images, rebuses,
location tasks, or QR-code riddles. The main feature of our quests
is that they tell travellers about interesting cities and routes.
"To quest" means to create a quest with riddles and puzzles around the city or a topic.
Types of Urban Quests:
Street Urban Quests:
- is a path made by our authors around the city, consisting of interesting puzzles and tasks for mindfulness and logic.
Home Urban Quests
- are riddles and tasks that are not tied to a place. A home quest can be completed and created at home without getting off the couch.
Do you want to try? Then read below.
Our company is looking for authors of quests! We need creators of interesting city routes and riddles. People whose aim is to help others explore their lovely cities, share secret places.
If you are a creative person or working in such creative professions as screenwriter, copywriter, content creator, travel-blogger, guide, then our project is perfect for you! Allow yourself to discover new sides of your talent in the process of creating fascinating quests.
No matter where you are, the main thing is the secrets of your city that you are ready to share! Hidden cozy streets, the best viewing platforms, delicious restaurants with traditional cuisine - all this and much more you can tell others with the help of the Urban Quest project!
How the Urban Quest platform works?
Step 2 - Create a quest.
Read the materials for the authors that we sent, and create a quest.
Step 4 - Payment.
Our team will review the quest and make amendments if required.
After the publication, we will send the final estimate of the quest and its payment.
Bat-el Baryohai Galor
My name is Bat-El, I am 35 years old and living with my better half. I am an activist against the occupation crimes the country I live in is committing.
My life prior to COVID-19 include lots of travelling and exploring places for the urban places I've visited. As a detailed oriented person, I just "had to know everything" about everywhere I've been, I always want to share this knowledge I inhaled with other fellow travellers. I've decided to share my previous routes and riddles I've discovered during my time travelling with others. My first quest was about my favourite city in the world, London. The theme of the quest was decided later in writing it, according to the first route I've chosen, and the magical impact London has on me, as well as the magical impact London has on writers.
One of the funniest moments during the London Quest was returning to a location I wanted to write about and discovering it had vanished. It did not disappear, but the big ban was under construction for years, and you couldn't spot it.
About the timing, it depends on the quest and research. Usually, it takes up to a week or a couple of weeks and also depends on work-life balance. Be flexible when writing. Sometimes we have something in mind, but it is not necessarily suitable for the moment of releasing the task to the world.
For some inspiration, I would recommend the following blogs: Sixmilesaway, Travel trend, Two cameras and a bucket list, Never ending footstep, and No more bunk beds.
Some mobile quests from this author:
Andrey Varfolomeev
I'm Andrey, I'm 25, now I work in media project. I work a couple of hours a week on freelance basis
I wrote my first quest when I studied in Germany, soon after the start of COVID-19 pandemic. Before that, I visited Berlin and I took that city for my first quest.To create the quest you need to know the city or the topic well, that's the basis. As for lifehacks, I always use Google or Yandex maps with street views and photos in order to be sure that the route is right. Usually it takes 5 hours in summary to create the script.
In my free time I read many articles, mostly historic. The best primal source is Wikipedia — you just basically read the topic and then find the references on that article and go read them. I often use 2-3 languages to read — Russian, English, and German.
My favourite blogs I could recommend for the inspiration are mostly in Russian — I want home, The People, also, I read some travel blogs on Telegram and Live Journal.- REWARD
How much can you earn as a quest author?
Dear author, thanks to your incredible work, we already have more than 100 quests in our application!
We decided that it was time to monetize the application and go to the next level. As we promised, we are changing the payment program for quests, and start paying interest on purchases (and not on quests). We are developing a store where you can still create and publish quests, but now you will have your own page where you can sell and advertise yourself and your quests.
So far, this applies only to quests in Moscow, but in the future the program will expand and cover other regions.We remind you the terms of payment for quests in other cities:
Street Quest
Home Quest
Creating a home quest is almost no different from creating a street one. Tasks should be aimed at logic and ingenuity, not a route. The only thing is that you need to ask us to untie points from geolocation via mail or Chat in Telegram.
1. Tools for creating quests
You could create and edit quests using a mobile application (iOS and Android) or web version.
Choose the way which is right for you!2. Monetize your own quests
You will receive a cash reward for the creation of paid quests that have passed moderation.
Make your own puzzles and routes and earn on it!3. Promotion of a personal brand
Urban Quest is an international platform that tells about the most popular tourist destinations.
Use the opportunity to promote yourself to a wide international audience. - REVIEWS ON OUR APPLICATION:What do our authors and players think?
Want to be part of our project?
Just fill out the form below and get detailed information and a guide for authors: