We are more than happy to announce our small update. Our team managed to make all the routes accessible to you from anywhere in the world. We disconnected the quests from the places. Now you can play from home. For that you need:
Go to the UQ app and select a game.
Open the Google Maps app from your phone or computer.
(phone) Find the street or place that is mentioned in the quest on the map, hold the desired point on the phone screen with your finger. In the lower-left corner there will be a small photo of the place, click on it, or swipe down the street to the “panorama” mode and open it, now you can move around.
(computer) When you open the maps in the browser in the lower right corner, you will see the Browse Street View function. Move the yellow figure from the lower right corner to the right place and you will be taken to a virtual panorama of the world.
Have a good game!
Or for the computer :
Small tip: To avoid changing one app to another all the time we suggest you open Google Maps on your computer or laptop.