Today we will tell you about some popular codes and ciphers that you can use in coming up with riddles or solving them. Basically, we will talk about ciphers with mono-alphabetic substitution, where each encrypted letter will correspond to a different letter or sign.
- Caesar's cipher
Perhaps Caesar's cipher is the most popular cipher, or rather a type of cipher, in which each letter in a word or a sentence is replaced by the next letter in the alphabet, depending on the step. The number of different transformations is finite and depends on the length of the alphabet. For the English language there are 26 different transformations (the transformations ROT0 and ROT26 retain the original text, and then repetitions begin). ROT1 is one of the subspecies of Caesar's cipher, in which each letter changes with a step of 1: “a” is replaced by “b”, “b” to “c” and so on.
Ayhcls dpao Byihu Xblza (ROT 7)
Travel with Urban Quest
- Transpose cipher
The letters in this cipher are rearranged according to a predetermined rule. For example, you can write a word backwards, or you can swap every two letters.
rt va le iw ht ru ab qn eu ts
tr av el wi th ur ba nq ue st = travel with urban quest
- Morse code
In Morse code, each letter of the alphabet, numbers and the most important punctuation marks have their own code, consisting of a series of short and long signals, and they can be written using “dashes” and “dots”.
Usually encrypted messages are transmitted through a light or sound signal.
- .-. .- ...- . .-.. / .-- .. - .... / ..- .-. -... .- -. / --.- ..- . ... -
Travel with Urban Quest