All Categories - Urban Quest
Metro systems around the globe started to operate in the late 1800s and transfer millions of...
2022年6月29日 ·
It is time for us to get to know each other better. You have probably wondered why Urban Quest...
2022年6月19日 ·
Family events. Do they sound like something lovely to you? If you answered yes to such a...
2022年6月14日 ·
Considering the amount of platforms that are willing to trip-advise you nowadays, you are...
2022年6月9日 ·
We bet that if you have ever travelled the world or investigated various countries with your...
2022年6月2日 ·
We, the Urban Quest team, want to change the approach to travel, turning boring excursions into...
2022年5月25日 ·
Questions from nothing. Come up with riddles out of the blue, for no reason and do not fit...
2022年5月17日 ·
Urban Quest is a platform consisting of a mobile application and a web version for creating and...
2021年10月21日 ·
Today we will tell you about some popular codes and ciphers that you can use in coming up with...
2021年5月24日 ·
Knowledge is not the main thing When writing questions, it is always necessary to...
2021年5月18日 ·
These days, phone cameras have become so powerful, and taking stunning photos is easier than it’s...
2021年4月9日 ·
What should the author do before submitting the quest for moderation? We remind you that quest...
2021年3月31日 ·
Different Angle Description of famous things from a different angle or description of non-obvious...
Our Urban Quest team wants to change the approach to travel, turning boring excursions into...
2021年2月26日 ·
What opportunities does our platform provide? First, we promote an active lifestyle. Our quests...
2021年1月15日 ·
Instead of wrapping up the year 2020, we want to show Urban Quest’s starting points in 2021. ...
2021年1月6日 ·
Dear authors, we want to make the quest moderation process as simple and understandable as...
2020年11月23日 ·
In the previous post, we talked about how to make the quest better. One of the points was the...
2020年11月12日 ·
You have already written the quest, but it seems that something is missing? Do the tasks seem the...
2020年11月2日 ·
Due to the coronavirus situation, it is recommended to leave the house only when it’s necessary....